Ligeti published ten books and several scientific articles. He also published in magazines as a social psychologist.
Droidok? [Are They Droids?]
2017: Droidok? [Are They Droids?]. HumanRobot Consulting, Budapest, 298 pp. A book about humanistic organization culture for better employer branding. ISBN: 978-9-63-1282-856
OMG! Not Training Again!
2012: OMG! Not Training Again! (Learn more on AMAZON) M-Érték Publisher, Budapest, 220 pp. ISBN: 978-6-15-5113-130
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
2007: CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility Kurt Lewin Foundation, Budapest, 230 pp. ISBN: 978-9-63-8732-415
Methodology. Researching social phenomena.
2005: Methodology. Researching social phenomena. (co-author: Gábor Héra). Osiris Kiadó, Budapest, 371 pp. ISBN: 978-9-63-3897-881
Kindler (School, Democracy, Civilisation)
2003: Kindler (School, Democracy, Civilisation). Új Mandátum Kiadó, Budapest, 270 pp. ISBN: 963949416X
Who are they – The Problem of a Scientific approach.
2002: Who are they – The Problem of a Scientific approach. In: Forray, R. K. – Mohácsi, E. [ed.]: Opportunities and Limits. (The Roma Community in Hungary at the Millennium.) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest. ISBN: 963949416X
Cigány Népismereti Tankönyv 7–12. (Introduction to Roma People (course book)).
2002: Cigány Népismereti Tankönyv 7–12. (Introduction to Roma People (course book)). Műszaki Kiadó, Budapest, 268 pp. (Awarded first prize in a closed competition by the Ministry of Education) ISBN: 978-9-6393-62154
Fundamentals of Sociology (An Introduction to Sociology).
2000: Fundamentals of Sociology (An Introduction to Sociology). Comenius Kiadó, Pécs, 252 pp. (co-author: János Girán) ISBN: 963-0-0459-82
All is Different.
2000: All is Different. Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 230 pp.(co-authors: Anikó Csáki, Klára Czike, Adél Rózsavölgyi, and Adrienn Csizmady) ISBN: 963-9494-56-9
2024 (from 2013 continuously)
Several newspaper articles for
- Forbes Magazine
- HR-portal and
- “Mindennapi Pszichológia” [Everyday Psychology] on organizational culture.
Learn more on the details...
You-Too: Mental Hygiene Methodology for College-Age Students
Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 23 (2023) 110–126; DOI:
PhD: A doktori fokozat hasznáról és (k)áráról. In:
Új Egyenlőség. 2022. január 30.
Beyond PhD In: Academia.Edu, 2020.
You-Too: mentálhigiénés módszertan egyetemisták részére Replika, 2022 (124): 143–154. DOI: 10.32564/124.
Conflict management és Prevention in Education. In: Borbíró–Kerezsi [ed.]:
Handbook of Criminal Policy and Prevention. Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, Budapest, p: 415– 429.
György Ligeti, Ágnes Oravecz (2009):
CSR Communication of Corporate Enterprises in Hungary. Journal of Business Ethics, January 2009, Volume 84, Issue 2, pp 137-149 read abstract
What can be improved by self-re ection?
Taní-Tani Alternative Journal of Teaching 13 (44): 41–51. Legal Deffence. Civil Review 5 (1–2): 173–189.
CSR – an Eastern-European comparative study.
Eastern-European Studies (Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 1 (2): 81–112. (with others)
Minorities and Migrants in the Media.
Médiakutató 8 (3): 27–40. (Media Researcher) On Social Responsibility Civil Szemle 4(1): 3–18. (Civil Review)
August 2006: Right-Wing Extremism in Hungary. In: Rieker, Peter – Glaser, Michaela, Schuster, Silke [szerk.] (2006):
Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism, Xenophobia and Racism in European Perspective. Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Halle.
September 2006:
Stereotypes and Prejudice. In Kolosi – Tóth – Vukovich:
Social report 2006. TÁRKI, Budapest, p: 370–389.
June 2006: School Aggression.
Megyei Pedagógiai Körkép, Veszprém, Vol. XXXVI. Issue No. 2, p: 11–16.
May 2006.
Minorities in the Hungarian Media. In: Bauer, Thomas A. – Vujovic, Oliver:
Media and Minorities in South East Europe. SEEMO (South East Europe Media Organisation) Wien. read abstract
May 2006:
The Social Supply System on the Threshold of Information Society. Summary of a national social research project. eVilág, Vol. V. Issue No. 5., p: 14–17. (co-author: Gábor Héra)
April 2006: Citizens of a Constitutional State. The latest research outcomes on teenagers.
Új Pedagógiai Szemle, Issue No. 4, p: 3–14.
November 2005: Another brick in the wall? Putting freedom and democracy on the curriculum in Hungarian schools. (
Europe’s Journal of Psychology. Vol. 1, No. 4. November 2005; ISSN 1841-0413)
Nation Views and Youth Policies. In: Pál Tamás – Tímea Tibori [ed.] Új Mandátum Publishers – MTA SZKI.
April-May-June 2005:
Introduction to Mentorship Pedagogy I–III. (Új Pedagógiai Szemle)
Attention in Schools. (co-author: Borbála Fellegi)
Új Ifjúsági Szemle, Vol. 3.
October 2004: When the Child is Roma. (
Taní-tani Alternative School Journal, Vol. 30–31.; pp: 87–96.) co-author: Borbála Fellegi 20 September 2004: Learning Each Other. (Népszabadság, Forum column)
12 March 2004. Europe: that is we are! (Népszabadság, Forum column)
March 2004: El aire urbano nos hace sentir libres – Vida urbana en Hungría (La Esquina Regional Nr. 8. / Bogotá – Colombia) The Urban Air Makes You Free (A városi levegő szabaddá tesz – Városi élet Magyarországon) (Translated: Márkus Tamás)
January 2004: Democracy in a Virtual City (Demokrácia egy virtuális városban.) (Új Pedagógiai Szemle, p: 111-113.)
8 January 2004: Sparrows and Larks (Verebek és pacsirták) (Magyar Hírlap)
July 2003: Socialization processes in Hungarian secondary school (PhD dissertaion)
14 October 2003: Violence in the School (Erőszak az iskolában) (Népszabadság, p: 16. Fórum rovat)
1 May 2004: XENO.HU (a booklet for students in topic of racism and xenophobia) 48 pp. March 2003: Parents and the School (Esély, 2003/1. p: 46–56.) co-author: Izabella Márton 8 January 2003: Whip, pillory – dialogue (Népszabadság, Forum column, p: 12.)
December 2002: Roma ont he Information Highway and the Chores of Civilisation. (Médiakönyv – Facts and Doctrine – I. p: 389–394.)
January 2002: Socially Handicapped University Students (Esély, 2002/1.) January 2002: Devotion – Violation of Rights at School. (Kritika, 2002/1.)
July 2001: Training Tolerance (In: Szekszárdi Julianna [ed.]: Manual for Form Teachers. Dinasztia Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2001.)
June 2001: Gaps: Reality and Legality in the Secondary School (Esély, 2001/3.) June 2001: Peach Theft (Belügyi Szemle 2001/6.)
December 2000: Conflict and Rule Making (Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 2000/12.) December 2000: What can the School Do? (Iskolakultúra, 2000/12. p: 16–26.) October-December 2000: Socialisation of Democratic Citizens (Magyar felsőoktatás, 2000/10–12.)
September 2000: Values and Interests – The Conveyance of Values in Hungarian Secondary Schools Today (Esély, 2000/4.)
September 2000: Hazing (Kritika, p: 18-21.)
April 2000: Preparing for Democracy at the Collegium Martineum (Esély 2000/2.) co-author: József Báder
November 1999: „Does Anyone Like Gypsies?” (Kritika) co-author: József Báder
September – October 1999: Does Central-Europe Really Exist? (Magyar Felsőoktatás, 9–10.) June 1999: Information = Integration (Belügyi Szemle, 1999/7–8.)
May 1999: Socialisation of Democratic Citizens (Magyar Felsőoktatás, 1999/5.)
June – September 1998: Various articles on capital punishment, social study, the Roma, child protection (Népszabadság, SuliNET column);
May 1998: Sheer Benevolence – a critique of a course book in Magyar Narancs; November 1997: Roma People on the Information Super-Highway (Háló) January 1997: Introduction of Minorities through the Means of Informatics (thesis); 1994–1995: short articles in Alaplap.